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The importance of video for B2B

Posted 18th November 2021
Don't look back in anger


11 Reasons why video marketing is important in B2B tech marketing!

In the evolving landscape of business-to-business (B2B) technology, the need for innovative and effective marketing strategies has never been greater. B2B marketing experts should, by now, recognise that video is not just a trend, but a vital tool in the arsenal of B2B tech marketing.

Effective B2B video marketing is emerging as an important component of any successful B2B marketing plan. By harnessing the power of video, companies can engage their target customers in ways that are both dynamic and impactful.

This guide explores 11 reasons why blending video into your B2B marketing strategy can elevate your brand and drive engagement. We have added some interesting B2B video marketing statistics to back them up too!

1. Follow the crowd

According to a 2023 survey, 87% of businesses use video marketing and 93% of marketers who do so, see it as an important part of their marketing strategy (Source: Wyzowl & Content Marketing Institute).

The latest data from Dash Hudson indicate that B2B brands may have lower follower counts but achieve a robust 4.4% engagement rate on TikTok. They also average 133.9K video views on TikTok versus 56.2K on YouTube, making TikTok ideal for showcasing your video content.

Earlier this year, we asked the tech channel if they planned to increase their use of B2B video marketing, with over 80% saying they would prioritise video production in 2024.

2. People like watching video

66% said they would prefer to watch a short video to learn about a product or service, while 18% would prefer to read a text-based article, website or post (source: Explainly). Even executives (59%) prefer video over text when both options are available on the same topic.

According to Google, 70% of B2B buyers and researchers incorporate video content into their decision-making journey.

3. Video is memorable

Viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch video content, compared to 10% when reading it in the text (Source: Insivia 2023).

Videos engage multiple senses, combining visuals and sound to improve information retention. They also use storytelling and emotion, which appeals to humans and makes content more impactful compared to static text. This is great for brand awareness.

4. The pandemic

Covid-19 increased the consumption of video content. For example, video views grew 220x on Twitter (Source: X – formerly known as Twitter).

People had more time on their hands at home and video became more accepted as an alternative to face-to-face interaction. As people’s home and work lives became increasingly interwoven, B2B firms had to adopt B2C tactics, including video, to compete for viewers’ attention.

5. Video marketing campaigns are getting cheaper and easier to do!

B2B video doesn’t have to be expensive – short video clips can be made using platforms such as Lumen5, Typito, Canva and Biteable. Even smartphones can shoot high-quality 4K video – this can be all the equipment you need to produce short video content.

Wyzowl states that most marketers report success with short-form videos. 30-60 seconds is the most effective length according to 39% of marketers, followed by 1-2 minutes (28%), 30 seconds or less (18%), 2-3 minutes (10%) and 3 minutes or more (just 5%).

Live video is also growing in popularity (this can be done with smartphones), with 82% of marketers planning to use it in 2024 – This can be a great mechanic for influencer marketing. (Source: Lemonlight)

Pro tip: including “outtakes” at the end of your B2B video, in which speakers mess up their lines or let their guard down, can make the footage more authentic and in turn, more engaging.

6. B2B Video marketing conveys personality

B2B tech marketing is similar to B2C tech marketing in that ‘people buy from people’. Video communicates your brand and personality far better than text alone can.

With video, you have visual and auditory elements. This combination allows you to showcase your company’s unique style, tone and voice.

Featuring real people helps to humanise your brand. Think of interviews, behind-the-scenes footage and team showcases. This allows your audience to see the people behind the products, making your brand more relatable and trustworthy.

Videos are an excellent way to story tell. It conveys your brand’s values, mission and culture. Through narratives, you can illustrate how your company solves problems, innovates and adds value to its customers.

Through product demos, tutorials and thought leadership content, videos can showcase, to your target audience, your expertise and industry knowledge. This, not only, educates your target audience but also positions your brand as a leader in the field.

7. It attracts and converts website traffic

As part of your marketing strategy include a video on your landing pages. This can boost your conversion rate by up to 80% (Source: Unbounce), while 78% of marketers saw more website traffic after using videos (Source: Renderforest).

B2B video can not only increase your client loyalty but it will also help with your SEO.

It’s called dwell time. The longer visitors spend on your website, the more it signals to Google that your content is valuable. Dwell time is a factor search algorithms consider, which can help improve your content’s ranking in search engines

8. Strong ROI

The average ROI for video marketing is 86% in the B2B sector according to WordStream. And, 87% of video marketers are satisfied with the ROI of their video efforts on social media (Source: HubSpot).

The following factors indicate that investing in video content for B2B tech marketing gives great results.

  • Higher engagement
  • Stronger conversion rates
  • Superior information retention
  • Increased ROI from social media
  • Cost-effective production

9. Video marketing offers a range of options

The three most popular types of videos are webinars, demos and social media videos (Source: Vidyard). Other possibilities include customer testimonials, case studies, behind-the-scenes videos and thought leadership on trending topics.

Some interesting B2B tech marketing statistics:

  • 39% of B2B marketers are using client testimonials in their videos. (Source: Social Media Today)
  • 38% of B2B marketers are using explainer videos (source: Wyzowl)
  • 45% of global B2B marketers are creating training videos. (Source: The Social Shepherd)

10. It works throughout the buyer’s journey

Use engaging and entertaining video content in the awareness stage of your target audience. Educational or how-to videos are great for this.

For the consideration stage consider case studies or testimonials in video format. Product update videos can also help in this stage by explaining, memorably, how your product solves your target audience’s challenge.

Video tutorials, reviews and product demonstrations showcase the features and benefits of a product or service in action. This provides consumers with valuable information to aid their decision-making process.

According to Google, 70% of buyers watch videos at every step of the buyer’s journey.

11. Video Marketing doesn’t have to be boring, just because it’s B2B

Video can creatively showcase complex ideas, engage viewers emotionally and effectively communicate the unique value propositions of B2B products and services.

They don’t have to be corporate and boring, just check out these Caterpillar and Volvo Trucks videos.

Where can I use video marketing?

B2B companies should leverage video content across multiple channels as a cornerstone of their marketing strategy. It should be a prominent part of your content plan, boosting engagement and communication with your audience. Remember, variety is the spice of life!

Let your data guide your future B2B video marketing strategy – Learn what has worked and what can be improved upon. Here are some stats on video in social media and email marketing to get you started.

Social media marketing stats

  • On LinkedIn, video drives a 157% increase in organic traffic (source: RocketWheel)
  • Facebook video ads have a 23% higher click-through rate than static image ads. (Source: HubSpot)
  • Tweets with video attracted 10x more engagements than Tweets without video. (Source: Twitter Business)
  • Video content is very effective on LinkedIn with LinkedIn video posts get 5x more engagement than text posts. (Source: LinkedIn)
  • Instagram Stories videos are viewed by 500 million people every day. (Source: Instagram, 2023 Business Blog)

Email marketing stats

  • Using the word “video” in the subject line increases open rates by 19% and CTR by 65%.
  • Video email marketing has a 300% higher ROI than generic email text marketing campaigns.
  • A video thumbnail can improve subscriber engagement by almost 41% when it’s included in an email. (source: Beehive)


In conclusion, you need to incorporate video into your marketing strategy.

Video content enhances engagement, boosts conversion rates and offers a strong ROI.

From increasing website traffic to effectively conveying your brand’s personality, the benefits of integrating video into your marketing strategy are substantial.

As we’ve outlined with the 11 compelling reasons, video content not only meets the preferences of your target audience but also stands out as a versatile and cost-effective medium.

By embracing video as part of your content marketing, you can elevate your B2B marketing efforts. Making your brand more memorable and impactful in the competitive tech landscape.

Now is the time to invest in video marketing and harness its power to drive your business forward.

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