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Why Google loves your images!

Posted 25th June 2023


Don’t let your website be a text snoozefest

Want to know why Google loves images? Creating content for your website is hard enough. You’re juggling complex data and technical specs, whilst trying to convince someone to trust you with a hefty investment. But what if there was a secret weapon hiding in plain sight? A weapon that grabs attention, simplifies ideas, and builds trust—all without writing a single word?

Google loves images

Enter the mighty image. Yes, you read that right. While text remains important, Google, the master of understanding user intent, recognises the power of visuals to make your B2B website sing. Here’s why strategic image use is the secret sauce you’ve been missing:

Images build trust and authority (without the boring slideshow)

Imagine scrolling through a website filled with dense paragraphs and bullet points. Snore, right? High-quality unique images can be a game-changer. Showcase your team, company culture or client success stories through captivating photos. This humanises your brand, highlights your authenticity and positions you as an authority in your niche.

Images simplify data with visuals

Complex charts, graphs, and infographics turn overwhelming numbers into clear, digestible insights – think “aha moment” instead of “spreadsheet coma.”

Engage busy decision-makers (who don’t have time for walls of text)

B2B audiences are bombarded with information. Attention spans are shorter than ever. Images break up text-heavy content, making your website visually appealing and easier to navigate. Think of it as giving your visitors’ brains a much-needed coffee break.

Plus, professional-looking images can subconsciously boost your credibility. They say, “Hey, we’re a serious company with real expertise.”

Streamline the B2B buying journey (because nobody wants to be stuck in a maze)

High-quality imagery can be a powerful storytelling tool. Case studies with before-and-after comparisons or customer testimonials with smiling faces – these visuals showcase the value you deliver, making it crystal clear why someone should choose you.

Optimising images for B2B SEO success (because Google loves pretty pictures too)

Now that you’re convinced images are your new best friend, let’s talk optimisation – Google wants to access your images too.

  • Relevance is key: Ditch the generic stock photos. Use visuals directly related to your B2B content and target audience
  • Keyword magic: Include relevant keywords in your ‘Alt’ text, but keep it human-readable
  • Descriptive file names: Step away from “IMG_0001.jpg.” Use file names that incorporate keywords related to your B2B offering
  • Small file size: Large file-size images impact the loading speed of your page.  Slow page-load speeds are penalised by Google

Taking your B2B image game to the next level

Want an extra edge? Here are some advanced techniques to make sure Google finds your images:

  • Industry-specific stock photos: Skip the generic stuff. Look for stock photography websites that cater to your B2B niche
  • Custom infographics and charts: Showcase your expertise with unique data visualisations that are both informative and visually compelling
  • Interactive content: Think 360° product views, zoom features or image overlays with additional details
  • Analyse your competing content: Use your target page keywords to identify the content your page is competing within Google Search Results.  Take the top 5, how many images are they using?  Base the number of images you include in your content on the number your competitors have used. Then add 1!

The Science: Why does Google reward content with original images in search results?

Google rewards website content with images in search results for a few key reasons:

  • Relevance and understanding: Images act as visual cues that help Google understand the content of your webpage. When relevant images accompany your text, search engines can better associate your site with specific search queries. This improves your chances of appearing in relevant search results.
  • Enhanced user experience: High-quality and informative images break up chunks of text, making your content more visually appealing and easier to digest. This keeps users engaged and on your webpage for longer, which is a positive signal for Google.
  • Improved click-through rates (CTR): Eye-catching and relevant images in search result thumbnails can significantly increase click-through rates (CTR). A visually compelling image can entice users to click on your webpage over competitors’ text-only results.
  • Accessibility: Images can bridge the language barrier and cater to diverse learning styles. People who prefer visual information or struggle with text can still grasp the essence of your content through relevant visuals.

Google prioritises websites that effectively use images because it enhances the experience for both users and search engines. Relevant imagery makes it easier for Google to understand your content. It keeps users engaged and leads to a more informative and user-friendly search experience.

What is the value of photos: Unique images, stock images and lifestyle images?

The imagery you choose for your website or blog can significantly impact your brand’s perception, SEO and overall user engagement.

Unique images are generally the preferred option if you have the budget and resources. Because, they offer the most benefits in terms of branding, SEO and audience engagement. They help you establish a distinct identity and convey your message more effectively.

However, if resources are limited, a blend of lifestyle images and free stock imagery can be effective. Use lifestyle images for key visuals where engagement and relatability are crucial. Supplement them with high-quality free stock images where necessary.

Conclusion: A picture is worth a thousand enquiries (and maybe even a sale or two)

Adding high-quality, B2B-focused images and optimising them for SEO, can transform your website from a text snoozefest to an enquiry-generating machine. Remember, relevant, informative and visually appealing images are a powerful tool. It connects you with busy decision-makers, builds trust, and showcases your expertise. So, unleash the power of pictures and watch your B2B marketing soar!

You can also read more on why Google loves Bloggers!

Bonus Tip:

A/B testing is your friend! Experiment with different types of images to see what resonates most with your B2B audience.  Use page dwell time as your data point before and after. This data-driven approach helps you refine your image content for maximum impact.

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