Increase ROI through your PR Strategy

Top tips for maximising your PR activity

Build a PR strategy that works

This guide will help you create a PR strategy that increases ROI through PR.

Every tech business needs leads to survive. Many turn to PR to bring them in. However, it can be an uphill struggle if you haven’t got the right ingredients. For starters, you need a board and sales team that understands PR isn’t a lead-generating tap that produces instant leads. It takes time. You also need a great story to tell. And, most importantly, people who are great at telling it for the press to take notice and write about it.

This guide will help you navigate some of these challenges and produce a PR strategy that will deliver results.

Preparing the board for your PR Strategy

First step: Convince them of the value of PR

You will struggle to get any PR programme off the ground if the board doesn’t see its value. Firstly, they won’t fund it, and worst still, they will pull the plug if they don’t see instant results.

So, how can you convince your CEO of its value?

Reputation is everything. CEOs understand that customers make buying decisions based, not just the quality and price of your product or service. But on factors such as whether you are ethical in your trading arrangements, fair to suppliers and a responsible employer. Demonstrating your values is essential to underpinning the brand’s success.

But what the board is interested in is the bottom line. You therefore have to show that PR coverage will contribute to the overall company goal. Start from this point when you are designing a strategy and you will convince the CEO it’s worth pursuing PR. If the goal is to increase market share, attract investment or find channel partners, then you need to show PR will support this aim.

Looking at competitor activity can help. If other businesses in your space are in the press with positive PR coverage week in week out and their market share has been growing. Then you have a case to say PR is contributing to their brand perception and growth. That’s a powerful argument and one the CFO will buy-in to as well.

It’s a reminder that the industry debate persists, whether you participate or not. It’s better if you take part in the conversation about where your industry is heading.

Building a brand and generating leads

Convincing the board of PR’s value is a huge step forward. However, you do need to set some expectations as to what B2B tech PR will achieve. It won’t generate leads overnight.

What it will do is start to build your profile with the press. The more familiar the press is with your brand, and the contribution you can make to the debate, the more likely they will write about you when you offer comment. Get it right and over time you will become the ‘go to’ to ask for comment on hot topics.

That said, it is possible to generate leads from PR. The trick is to get all of the ingredients right! A clear message, great spokespeople, proactive campaigns to generate coverage, and a concerted effort to use the coverage you achieve for marketing purposes.

The next section will explain the ingredients in more detail and how they work together.

Positioning your business as an authority

A PR strategy beyond your product or service

The importance of key messages 

It’s often assumed that PR programmes require an endless stream of press releases. In fact, in 90% of cases, PR coverage has come from everything but a press release. Mostly it’s down to using your opinion to join the conversation the press is interested in writing about.

There are lots of ways in which you can join the conversation. Before you get started, you have to be clear about what you want to say. Your prospects will be searching for your opinion as part of their decision process. And, your clients will be looking for continued reassurance you understand what the future holds for their sector.

It’s therefore crucial what you say resonates with them and positions you as an authority. For some CEOs, it’s hard to break the tunnel vision of product and service and talk about wider issues. But it’s vital to think more broadly because that is what the press wants.

That’s why we always suggest you develop a set of three to five key messages that you want to be famous for. They need to be aligned to the company goals. So, for instance, you might have developed a cloud security product that reduces risk to IoT devices connected to a network with everything resting on it to grow your business.

As it stands, the press won’t find interest in the technology itself or in your business growth aspirations with its launch. What captures their interest are the issues related to the product – essentially, why the product needs to exist in the first place.

So consider the problems your product or service solves:

  • Why does that problem exist?
  • What will the problem look like in the future?
  • What needs to happen to bridge the gap?

Asking questions like this will help you understand the important issues of the day and establish your key messages.

It’s useful to get senior people from across the business involved in this process. Not only will you get a picture of what’s happening in the market, but you’ll also start to identify potential spokespeople as you can’t always rely on a CEO to be available. You might find people who are experts in the issues facing retailers or banks so you can create a vertical version of your story, and others who can talk about R&D and enthuse people about the future. This will broaden the opportunities you have to speak to the press and ensure your message lands every time, generating PR coverage for your business.

Validate your messages so you stand out

It’s a good idea to test the messages you arrive at. Check they stand out from the crowd, and offer something new to the debate, as it’s this that will get a journalist’s attention. If you overlap with a competitor too much, then you aren’t giving the journalist a compelling reason to choose you – especially if you’re unknown in comparison. If you fail to get this part of the strategy right, then the PR programme will fail and you will be back to square one with the board.

The final step is to rehearse the messages. Make sure the CEO and your other spokespeople can deliver them eloquently and succinctly, because if they can’t the press won’t listen – nor will employees or customers. This is a skill and it doesn’t always come naturally.

Media training can be hugely beneficial in helping people practice getting the right message across.

Since most journalists conduct media training, it provides an effective way to uncover any overlooked issues and prepare answers for those tricky questions lingering in the background.

PR Tactics

Key tips that will get your business noticed

Getting your story out there

Once you’ve determined your messages and have your spokespeople ready to deliver them, the next step is to approach the press.

This isn’t about relying on press releases. The tech press won’t cover news related to a new product or service unless it is absolutely ground-breaking. By all means send releases, especially if it is necessary for investor communications, but don’t bank on front-page headlines. That said, some press releases will get noticed, generally those relating to major partnerships, customer wins, and substantial investment.

Those sorts of stories don’t grow on trees so you’ll need to employ a selection of other techniques:

  • Features – offering opinion on features the press has planned to write about a hot topic
  • Story hijacking – offering written opinion or taking interviews in relation to a breaking news story
  • By-line articles – up to 1000 words of opinion, not sales patter, on a hot topic
  • Case studies – giving the press access to a customer to talk about the issue you solve on your behalf
  • Research – quantitative surveys with your customers, peers or consumers that uncover new insights on a topic
  • Reports – in-depth research and analysis of a hot topic in the industry.

To engage in features and story hijacking, you need data – understanding which press covers the topics you want to be known for. When you know who to target, what sort of story they will want, and the angle they are likely to take, you can then approach them with your ideas and opinions. The same goes for by-line articles.

Research and reports are different. These pieces of content circumvent the issue of having no news at all and aim to generate multiple pieces of coverage in one go.

They will:

  • Provoke or reinvigorate a debate that’s quietened down but is still important
  • Cut through the noise and help a company stand out when everyone and their dog has an opinion on a hot topic – GDPR and Brexit are good examples.

How B2B tech firms can generate leads through PR

Now what? You’re generating coverage, but are you creating leads? Yes and no. It’s not always clear whether PR has caused someone to pick up the phone unless they tell you. And it might not be one piece of coverage that’s been the catalyst, it might have been a number of pieces that have helped you to stand out.

The buying decision in the tech industry can be prolonged, requiring time for all the elements to align before individuals can act on their decision. This includes securing budget allocation, obtaining senior sponsorship, and having a contract up for renewal.

But all the time you are being creative and offering new insight and opinion to the press, you are building your profile and drip-feeding your audience with reasons why you are so good at what you do. It’s this credibility that will push people to consider you when they come to make those important buying decisions.

PR vs. advertising in lead generation campaigns

Using advertising to generate the kind of credibility we’ve described would cost substantially more than any PR programme and won’t be nearly as effective in helping you get your key messages across. Adverts are short and punchy. PR coverage is involved and detailed and can be sustained for far longer than an ad campaign, which generally lasts as long as there is budget.

Budget for advertising is hard to come by and the business often has to make a choice about which to pursue. However, with clever use of PR assets, it’s possible to use PR to run marketing and lead generation campaigns.

Let’s take the PR tactic of running research to find out what consumers think about driverless cars as an example. It’s easy to package up the results, send them to the press and take the coverage. But with a lead generation mindset, they can be used far beyond the initial findings.

By generating a report of the findings, you not only provide the press with a set of statistics to utilise but also offer contextual information. This includes explaining what the results indicate. Suggesting how traffic planners or software developers should respond, and providing advice on managing public concerns. Particularly those related to issues such as security that may be uncovered. You can offer far more detail than you can in a press release and again demonstrate you are an authority on these matters.

But more than that, this report can also be used in lead-generation campaigns. You can email it to prospects, share it with customers, and use it to initiate a conversation about how you can assist them in overcoming the challenges presented and exploring existing opportunities.

Use HubSpot to maximise the benefits of your PR content

The tools available in marketing automation platforms such as HubSpot allow you to effectively ‘squeeze all of the juice’ out of your PR content. Taking the report described above as an example of high-value content, you can leverage this in HubSpot in all three stages of the buyer’s journey. Here’s an example:

Awareness Stage: Create and advertise a dedicated offer page for the report.  The user completes a form and provides their details in order to receive the report.

Consideration Stage: Your sales team can use the report in their 1-2-1 email conversations with their contacts.  By creating these trackable emails in HubSpot, your sales team can see all the engagement their contacts have with the report and act upon it. 

Decision Stage: This takes things one step further than the 1-2-1 emails described in the Consideration Stage.  Here, your sales team will also know when their contact forwards the report onward to their boss. 

Reporting on PR activity

Share your successes

Of course, once you’ve convinced the board that it needs to do PR, then you have to prove that they were right to back you. There are numerous ways to share your successes:

  • Sharing coverage highlights with your key press – online platforms like CoverageBook are excellent for this
  • Collating the social media shares that coverage achieved
  • Tracking a change in awareness or sentiment towards your brand or a product
  • Showing how web traffic increased during PR campaigns and the number of visits that converted into firm leads or sales – tools like HubSpot can help with this
  • Share of voice – how you compare in terms of number and quality of mentions compared to competitors
  • Connections made – anecdotal evidence that your sales team is making better connections, your partnerships are flourishing.

Conclusion – planning makes perfect

Integrated planning pays dividends in your PR strategy

We’ve learned that a PR strategy can generate leads but it requires investment and support from the board. Putting strategic objectives at the heart of the campaign is therefore imperative. It also makes increasing ROI much easier to define and measure.

To generate leads, the business must widely adopt PR plans. Everyone should grasp that effective PR not only secures press coverage but also generates collateral usable by sales teams and beyond. It’s this integrated view of PR and marketing that makes the best brands stand out and drives leads.

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